Table of Contents

  1. “Art Work: Santiago Sierra and the Socio-Aesthetics of Production” - Edward Bacal
  2. “Confronting the Archive: Found Footage Filmaking, History, and Archival Practice in One Man’s War and The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceauscescu” - Rachel Webb Jekanowski
  3. “What Do Houses Want?” - Arièle Dionne-Krosnick
  4. “Instruction Paintings: Yoko Ono and 1960s Conceptual Art” - Eva Yi Hsuan Lu
  5. “Images of Ambivalence: Photography in Margarethe von Trotta’s Die bleierne Zeit” - Daniel Norford
  6. “Animalizing the Apparatus: Pigeons, Drones and the Aerial View” - Jayne Wilkinson

Host Institutions

Western University
New York University

Editorial Board

Joaquín Barriendos, Columbia University
Janelle Blankenship, Western University
Kristin E. Campbell, OCAD University
Sharonah Esther, SUNY (Stony Brook)
Julia Fiala, Queen’s University
Helen Fielding, Western University
Michelle Hamilton, Western University
Kristy Holmes, Lakehead University
Paul Kelley, Queen’s University
M. J. Kidnie, Western University
Karla McManus, Concordia University
Erin Morton, University of New Brunswick
Thy Phu, Western University
Spencer Pope, McMaster University
Katherine Romba, Queen’s University
Allison Sherman, Queen’s University
Taryn Sirove, Carleton University
Julia Skelly, Concordia University
Gregory Snyder, CUNY
Christine Sprengler, Western University
Kimberley Wahl, Ryerson University
Eric Weichel, Queen’s University

Editorial Committee

Western University

Darren Monteith, English
Amy Gaizauskas, Art History
Grant W. Dempsey, Theory and Criticism
Jen Sguigna, Public History
Erin Kathleen Pocock, History

New York University

Daniel Benson, French
Kathryn K. Brugioni, Art History and Archeology
Vanessa Ceia, Spanish and Portuguese
Whitney Krahn, French
Christine Olson, Museum Studies
Ilana Vine, English

Steering Committee

Luke Arnott
Sara Ellis
Jon Weier
Mary Eileen Wennekers

Faculty Advisors

Kirsty Robertson, Western University
Lytle Shaw, New York University


Rasmus Simonsen
Rachael Wilson

Shift Logo Design

Vincent Pérez

Website Design

Sean Richards

Banner/Footer Image Credit

Tim Carter